Zee Litera Valley School – Karur, Tamilnadu

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Founded in 2010, Zee Litera Valley School is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 1930396. Address of the school is: Survey No. 301, Village : Kandamban Kuruchi, Zee Green Fields, Vallipalayam Road, Mannmangalam, Taluka: Karur, District: Karur.. PIN Code: 639006. Email address of the school is info@zeeschoolkarur.com. The school is being managed by The Karur Foundation.

NameZee Litera Valley School
Affiliate ID1930396
AddressSurvey No. 301, Village : Kandamban Kuruchi, Zee Green Fields, Vallipalayam Road, Mannmangalam, Taluka: Karur, District: Karur.
PIN Code639006
Office Phone04324 288289
Foundation Year2010
Principal/Head of InstitutionMr.sushil Sahi
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeThe Karur Foundation
State: Tamil Nadu


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