White Lotus International School – Surat, Gujarat

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Founded in 2015, White Lotus International School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 430274. Address of the school is: Plot No. 205, Opp. Royal Regency, Near Suda Water Tank, Behind Someshwara Bunglows, Vesu. PIN Code: 395007. Email address of the school is info@wlis.org. The school is being managed by Smt. Angooridevi Educational And Cultural Society.

NameWhite Lotus International School
Affiliate ID430274
AddressPlot No. 205, Opp. Royal Regency, Near Suda Water Tank, Behind Someshwara Bunglows, Vesu
PIN Code395007
STD Code261
Office Phone02612215706
Foundation Year2015
Principal/Head of InstitutionMrs. Purvika David Solanki
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeSmt. Angooridevi Educational And Cultural Society


State: Gujarat


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