Vrajbhoomi International School – Anand, Gujarat

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Founded in 2006, Vrajbhoomi International School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 430079. Address of the school is: Near Bal Amul N H No 8 Mogar Anand Gujarat. PIN Code: 388340. Email address of the school is Principal@vrajbhoomi.org. The school is being managed by Vrajbhoomi Foundation.

NameVrajbhoomi International School
Affiliate ID430079
AddressNear Bal Amul N H No 8 Mogar Anand Gujarat
PIN Code388340
STD Code2692
Office Phone650530
Residence Phone9879618704
Foundation Year2006
Principal/Head of InstitutionK Godha
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeVrajbhoomi Foundation


State: Gujarat


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