Vivekananda Kendra Zilla Parishad Vidyalaya, Pt Mout – Andaman, Andaman & Nicobar

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Founded in 1981, Vivekananda Kendra Zilla Parishad Vidyalaya, Pt Mout is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 2520093. Address of the school is: P.o. Chouldari, Port Mout, Near G S S School, Dist. Tehsil Farargunj South Andaman Pin 744103. PIN Code: 744103. Email address of the school is ptblair@vkendra.g. The school is being managed by Chandigarh Administration.

NameVivekananda Kendra Zilla Parishad Vidyalaya, Pt Mout
Affiliate ID2520093
AddressP.o. Chouldari, Port Mout, Near G S S School, Dist. Tehsil Farargunj South Andaman Pin 744103
PIN Code744103
Office Phone3192220215
Foundation Year1981
Principal/Head of InstitutionSita Das
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeChandigarh Administration
State: Andaman & Nicobar


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