Vill Bhrigukhal is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 3520108. Address of the school is: Post Bhrigukhal, Block Yamkeshwar. PIN Code: 246121. Email address of the school is The school is being managed by Atal Utkrisht Gic Bhrigukhal.
Name | Vill Bhrigukhal |
Affiliate ID | 3520108 |
Address | Post Bhrigukhal, Block Yamkeshwar |
PIN Code | 246121 |
Office Phone | 6396489660 | | |
Website | |
Principal/Head of Institution | Rajendra Prasad |
School Status | Senior Secondary |
Managing Trust/Society/Committee | Atal Utkrisht Gic Bhrigukhal |
Location: Pauri Garhwal
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