The Brigade School At Mahadevapura – Bangalore, Karnataka

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Founded in 2010, The Brigade School At Mahadevapura is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 830709. Address of the school is: Plot No. 9, Sy. No. 35, Dyavasandra Industrial Estate, 1st Phase, Krishnarajapuram Hobli, Bangalore South Taluk, Bangalore. PIN Code: 560048. Email address of the school is The school is being managed by Brigade Foundation.

NameThe Brigade School At Mahadevapura
Affiliate ID830709
AddressPlot No. 9, Sy. No. 35, Dyavasandra Industrial Estate, 1st Phase, Krishnarajapuram Hobli, Bangalore South Taluk, Bangalore
PIN Code560048
STD Code8232
Office Phone08041148397
Foundation Year2010
Principal/Head of InstitutionMrs. Reena Suresh
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeBrigade Foundation
State: Karnataka


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