Takshila Vidyapeeth Sr. Sec. School – Haryana

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Founded in 2012, Takshila Vidyapeeth Sr. Sec. School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 531704. Address of the school is: V.p.o M.p Majra(jhajjar). PIN Code: 124133. Email address of the school is vidyapeethtakshila@gmail.com. The school is being managed by Gramin Sthali Education Society, M.p. Majra.

NameTakshila Vidyapeeth Sr. Sec. School
Affiliate ID531704
AddressV.p.o M.p Majra(jhajjar)
PIN Code124133
STD Code534
Office Phone09416949205
Foundation Year2012
Principal/Head of InstitutionMr.harbir Singh
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeGramin Sthali Education Society, M.p. Majra
State: Haryana


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