Takshashila Residential School – Ganjam, Odisha

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Founded in 1983, Takshashila Residential School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 1530091. Address of the school is: Chanakya Puri Ankushpur Ganjam, Distt Orissa. PIN Code: 761100. Email address of the school is choudhary_pawan@rediffmail.com. The school is being managed by Takshashila Education Trust.

NameTakshashila Residential School
Affiliate ID1530091
AddressChanakya Puri Ankushpur Ganjam, Distt Orissa
PIN Code761100
STD Code680
Office Phone7381059999, 2485723
Residence Phone2202613
Foundation Year1983
Principal/Head of InstitutionK Nageswar Rao
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeTakshashila Education Trust
State: Odisha


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