Tagore Bal Niketan Sr. Sec. School, Pehowa – Haryana

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Founded in 1982, Tagore Bal Niketan Sr. Sec. School, Pehowa is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 531795. Address of the school is: Guru Nanak Colony, Near Indu Hospital, Central Bank Wali Gali, Pehowa. PIN Code: 136128. Email address of the school is tbn37910@gmail.com. The school is being managed by Tagore Educational Society.

NameTagore Bal Niketan Sr. Sec. School, Pehowa
Affiliate ID531795
AddressGuru Nanak Colony, Near Indu Hospital, Central Bank Wali Gali, Pehowa
PIN Code136128
Office Phone1741220466
Foundation Year1982
Principal/Head of InstitutionMr. Parveen Kumar
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeTagore Educational Society
State: Haryana


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