Swamy Vivekananda Vidyaniketana School – Bangalore, Karnataka

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Founded in 1985, Swamy Vivekananda Vidyaniketana School is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 830555. Address of the school is: Attibele Industrial Area, Guddahatti Road,neralur, Anekal Taluk,. PIN Code: 562107. Email address of the school is usn2678@gmail.com. The school is being managed by Swamy Vivekananda Vidyaniketana Trust.

NameSwamy Vivekananda Vidyaniketana School
Affiliate ID830555
AddressAttibele Industrial Area, Guddahatti Road,neralur, Anekal Taluk,
PIN Code562107
STD Code80
Office Phone27820777
Foundation Year1985
Principal/Head of InstitutionUsha S Nagaraju
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeSwamy Vivekananda Vidyaniketana Trust
State: Karnataka


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