Sri Sharada Vidya Niketana – Bangalore, Karnataka

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Founded in 1993, Sri Sharada Vidya Niketana is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 830469. Address of the school is: Sy No. 15, Ist Main, 8thcross, Isro Layout, Bangalore 560 078. PIN Code: 560078. Email address of the school is The school is being managed by Sri.m.s.lingegowda Education Trust.

NameSri Sharada Vidya Niketana
Affiliate ID830469
AddressSy No. 15, Ist Main, 8thcross, Isro Layout, Bangalore 560 078
PIN Code560078
STD Code80
Office Phone26668563
Fax080 26664619
Foundation Year1993
Principal/Head of InstitutionShashikala Srinivasa
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeSri.m.s.lingegowda Education Trust


State: Karnataka


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