Sri Lakshmi Janardhan International School – Udupi, Karnataka

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Founded in 1982, Sri Lakshmi Janardhan International School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 830148. Address of the school is: Kamala K. Shetty Education Complex, Nandalike, Belman, Karkal Tq, Udupi Distt., Karnataka- 576 111. PIN Code: 576111. Email address of the school is The school is being managed by Little Angels Education Society.

NameSri Lakshmi Janardhan International School
Affiliate ID830148
AddressKamala K. Shetty Education Complex, Nandalike, Belman, Karkal Tq, Udupi Distt., Karnataka- 576 111
PIN Code576111
STD Code8258
Office Phone274555, 274666
Residence Phone285127
Foundation Year1982
Principal/Head of InstitutionBhujanga P Shetty
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeLittle Angels Education Society
State: Karnataka


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