Spring Dale Convent School, Jawali At Paloura – Kangra, Himachal Pradesh

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Spring Dale Convent School, Jawali At Paloura is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 630135. Address of the school is: Vill. Paloura, P.o. Darkati, Teh. Jawali, Distt. Kangra (h.p.). PIN Code: 176023. Email address of the school is niryal2710@gmail.com.

NameSpring Dale Convent School, Jawali At Paloura
Affiliate ID630135
AddressVill. Paloura, P.o. Darkati, Teh. Jawali, Distt. Kangra (h.p.)
PIN Code176023
STD Code189
Office Phone9417486614
Principal/Head of InstitutionDr Rajeev Niryal
School StatusSenior Secondary


State: Himachal Pradesh


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