Smt. Gangaben Rambhai Bhanabhai Patel ” Gyan Ganga English Medium School” – Gujarat

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Founded in 2012, Smt. Gangaben Rambhai Bhanabhai Patel " Gyan Ganga English Medium School" is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 430343. Address of the school is: Vidyamangal Schoolopp. Kamrej Sugar Factory | Off. Nh-8navipardi( Near Kamrej) | Surat-394150 | India. PIN Code: 394150. Email address of the school is The school is being managed by Kadwa Patidar Kelavani Mandal.

NameSmt. Gangaben Rambhai Bhanabhai Patel " Gyan Ganga English Medium School"
Affiliate ID430343
AddressVidyamangal Schoolopp. Kamrej Sugar Factory | Off. Nh-8navipardi( Near Kamrej) | Surat-394150 | India
PIN Code394150
Office Phone02612475525
Residence Phone9979792107
Foundation Year2012
Principal/Head of InstitutionMr. Bhupender Mishra
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeKadwa Patidar Kelavani Mandal


State: Gujarat


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