Shivalik International Convent School – Kangra, Himachal Pradesh

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Founded in 1992, Shivalik International Convent School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 630126. Address of the school is: Dehra, Dist Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. PIN Code: 177105. Email address of the school is The school is being managed by Shree Swaminarayan Vidyaveli Salvav.

NameShivalik International Convent School
Affiliate ID630126
AddressDehra, Dist Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
PIN Code177105
STD Code197
Office Phone0289242
Foundation Year1992
Principal/Head of InstitutionPooja Sharma
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeShree Swaminarayan Vidyaveli Salvav


State: Himachal Pradesh


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