Shanti Asiatic School – Ahmedabad, Gujarat

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Founded in 2009, Shanti Asiatic School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 430157. Address of the school is: Shanti Asiatic School, Opp, Vraj Gardens, Off 200 Ft Ring Road, Shela, Bopal, Ahmedabad- 380058. PIN Code: 380058. Email address of the school is The school is being managed by Chiripal Charitable Trust.

NameShanti Asiatic School
Affiliate ID430157
AddressShanti Asiatic School, Opp, Vraj Gardens, Off 200 Ft Ring Road, Shela, Bopal, Ahmedabad- 380058
PIN Code380058
STD Code91
Office Phone9099079809
Residence Phone909990188
Fax079 26768656
Foundation Year2009
Principal/Head of InstitutionAbhay Ghosh
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeChiripal Charitable Trust


State: Gujarat


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