S.E Rly. Mixed Higher Sec. School E.M Ckp – Jharkhand

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S.E Rly. Mixed Higher Sec. School E.M Ckp is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 3480100. Address of the school is: Dist. -singbhum West, Jharkhand-833102. PIN Code: 833102. Email address of the school is serlymhss.2011@gmail.com. The school is being managed by Divisional Railway Manager Personnel Chakradharpur Division.

NameS.E Rly. Mixed Higher Sec. School E.M Ckp
Affiliate ID3480100
AddressDist. -singbhum West, Jharkhand-833102
PIN Code833102
Office Phone658772597
Principal/Head of InstitutionLeena Rath
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeDivisional Railway Manager Personnel Chakradharpur Division
State: Jharkhand


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