Ryan International School – Surat, Gujarat

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Founded in 2006, Ryan International School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 430085. Address of the school is: Plot No 85 Katyark Nagar Opp Navyug College Nr Diwali Baug So Adajan Surat Gujarat. PIN Code: 360005. Email address of the school is sunita27_8@rediffmail.com. The school is being managed by St Lawrence Education Society.

NameRyan International School
Affiliate ID430085
AddressPlot No 85 Katyark Nagar Opp Navyug College Nr Diwali Baug So Adajan Surat Gujarat
PIN Code360005
STD Code261
Office Phone6557708
Foundation Year2006
Principal/Head of InstitutionSunita Patnaik
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeSt Lawrence Education Society


State: Gujarat


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