Ravindra Bharathi Global School – Bangalore, Karnataka

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Founded in 2012, Ravindra Bharathi Global School is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 830518. Address of the school is: Samasandra Palya, Near Sobha Daffodil, Ii Sector, Hsr Layout, Bengaluru ? 560102. PIN Code: 560102. Email address of the school is hsrlayout@rbglobalschools.in. The school is being managed by Ravindra Bharathi Educational Society.

NameRavindra Bharathi Global School
Affiliate ID830518
AddressSamasandra Palya, Near Sobha Daffodil, Ii Sector, Hsr Layout, Bengaluru ? 560102
PIN Code560102
STD Code80
Office Phone65313333
Foundation Year2012
Principal/Head of InstitutionParvathy Venugopal
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeRavindra Bharathi Educational Society
State: Karnataka


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