Rashtra Shakti Vidyalaya – Delhi

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Founded in 1962, Rashtra Shakti Vidyalaya is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 2730230. Address of the school is: Hastsal (gandhi Nidhi) Near Uttam Nagar New Delhi. PIN Code: 110059. Email address of the school is RSVPRSHASHI.09@GMAIL.COM. The school is being managed by Gandhi Smarak Sram Seva Kendra.

NameRashtra Shakti Vidyalaya
Affiliate ID2730230
AddressHastsal (gandhi Nidhi) Near Uttam Nagar New Delhi
PIN Code110059
STD Code11
Office Phone25083637
Residence Phone25616569
Foundation Year1962
Principal/Head of InstitutionShashi Tyagi
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeGandhi Smarak Sram Seva Kendra
State: Delhi


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