Ram Krishan Paramhans Senior Secondary School – Rohtak, Haryana

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Founded in 1997, Ram Krishan Paramhans Senior Secondary School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 530569. Address of the school is: Vpo Madina Rohtak Haryana. PIN Code: 124111. Email address of the school is rkpschool44@gmail.com. The school is being managed by Ramkrishan Paramhans Shiksha Soc.

NameRam Krishan Paramhans Senior Secondary School
Affiliate ID530569
AddressVpo Madina Rohtak Haryana
PIN Code124111
STD Code1257
Office Phone260966, 260543
Foundation Year1997
Principal/Head of InstitutionKanchan Pathak
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeRamkrishan Paramhans Shiksha Soc
State: Haryana


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