Radcliffe School – Maharashtra

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Founded in 2017, Radcliffe School is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 1131132. Address of the school is: Sr. No. 38/2 Charholi Phata, Near Riddhi Siddhi Towers, Alandi Road, Bikaner Sweet, Pune 412105. PIN Code: 412105. Email address of the school is laxmikant.khemkar@radcliffe.in. The school is being managed by Radcliffe Foundation Haryana.

NameRadcliffe School
Affiliate ID1131132
AddressSr. No. 38/2 Charholi Phata, Near Riddhi Siddhi Towers, Alandi Road, Bikaner Sweet, Pune 412105
PIN Code412105
Office Phone09890452278
Foundation Year2017
Principal/Head of InstitutionMrs. Anita Ravi Nair
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeRadcliffe Foundation Haryana
State: Maharashtra


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