Podar International School – Junagarh, Gujarat

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Founded in 2011, Podar International School is a Middle Class, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 430209. Address of the school is: Survey No.44/1,b/h Mahasagar Petrol Pump,junagadh - Rajkot Highway , Sukhpur Village. PIN Code: 362310. Email address of the school is principal.junagadh@podar.org. The school is being managed by Podar Literacy And Education Trust.

NamePodar International School
Affiliate ID430209
AddressSurvey No.44/1,b/h Mahasagar Petrol Pump,junagadh - Rajkot Highway , Sukhpur Village
PIN Code362310
Office Phone0285-2660110
Foundation Year2011
Principal/Head of InstitutionMr.sunil Kaimal
School StatusMiddle Class
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteePodar Literacy And Education Trust


State: Gujarat


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