Notre Dame School – Gumla, Jharkhand

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Founded in 1998, Notre Dame School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 3430212. Address of the school is: Palkot Road Tarribartotli. PIN Code: 473331. Email address of the school is The school is being managed by Tishir Siksha Prasar Samiti.

NameNotre Dame School
Affiliate ID3430212
AddressPalkot Road Tarribartotli
PIN Code473331
STD Code6524
Office Phone9431116966
Fax07492 - 220002
Foundation Year1998
Principal/Head of InstitutionSister Mary Savita Snd
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeTishir Siksha Prasar Samiti
State: Jharkhand


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