Modern School – Maharashtra

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Founded in 1991, Modern School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 1130026. Address of the school is: Vidya Nagar, 8th Km. Stone, Koradi Road, Opposite Sunder Biscuit Factory, Nagpur, Maharashtra. PIN Code: 440001. Email address of the school is The school is being managed by Saraswati Edn. Scoeity.

NameModern School
Affiliate ID1130026
AddressVidya Nagar, 8th Km. Stone, Koradi Road, Opposite Sunder Biscuit Factory, Nagpur, Maharashtra
PIN Code440001
STD Code712
Office Phone2612117, 62225
Residence Phone524716
Foundation Year1991
Principal/Head of InstitutionAnuradha Sardeshpande
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeSaraswati Edn. Scoeity
State: Maharashtra


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