Maharaja Agrasen Public School – Bulandshahar, Uttar Pradesh

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Founded in 2001, Maharaja Agrasen Public School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 2130571. Address of the school is: Maharaja Agrasen Marg Khurja, Distt Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh. PIN Code: 203131. Email address of the school is ERDEEPTI.AG@GMAIL.COM. The school is being managed by Maharaja Agrasen Manjmal Trust.

NameMaharaja Agrasen Public School
Affiliate ID2130571
AddressMaharaja Agrasen Marg Khurja, Distt Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh
PIN Code203131
STD Code5738
Office Phone9259395884
Foundation Year2001
Principal/Head of InstitutionNarendra Mittal
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeMaharaja Agrasen Manjmal Trust
State: Uttar Pradesh


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