Kalyanika Kendra Shiksha Niketan – Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh

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Founded in 1998, Kalyanika Kendra Shiksha Niketan is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 1030142. Address of the school is: Amarkantak Distt Shahdol Madhya Pradesh. PIN Code: 484886. Email address of the school is carchanarao@gmail.com. The school is being managed by Shri Kalyan Seva Ashram Trust.

NameKalyanika Kendra Shiksha Niketan
Affiliate ID1030142
AddressAmarkantak Distt Shahdol Madhya Pradesh
PIN Code484886
STD Code7629
Office Phone269560, 69590
Residence Phone7629269590
Foundation Year1998
Principal/Head of InstitutionC Archana Rao
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeShri Kalyan Seva Ashram Trust


State: Madhya Pradesh


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