Jeevan Jyothi Public School – Thrissur, Kerala

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Founded in 1998, Jeevan Jyothi Public School is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 930725. Address of the school is: Thalikod Pattikkad Po Thrissur Distt Kerala. PIN Code: 680652. Email address of the school is The school is being managed by St. Annes Educational And Charitable Society.

NameJeevan Jyothi Public School
Affiliate ID930725
AddressThalikod Pattikkad Po Thrissur Distt Kerala
PIN Code680652
STD Code487
Office Phone04872283785
Foundation Year1998
Principal/Head of InstitutionMiss Sr Lizy George
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeSt. Annes Educational And Charitable Society
State: Kerala


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