Jawahar Vidya Mandir – Ranchi, Jharkhand

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Founded in 1964, Jawahar Vidya Mandir is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 3430004. Address of the school is: Shyamali Ranchi P.o. Hinoo Jharkhand. PIN Code: 834002. Email address of the school is ajayrajy.1@gmail.com. The school is being managed by Dav College Managing Committee Chitra Gupta Road,new Delhi..

NameJawahar Vidya Mandir
Affiliate ID3430004
AddressShyamali Ranchi P.o. Hinoo Jharkhand
PIN Code834002
STD Code651
Office Phone2411221, 2411665
Residence Phone501221
Foundation Year1964
Principal/Head of InstitutionSamarjit Jana
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeDav College Managing Committee Chitra Gupta Road,new Delhi.
State: Jharkhand


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