Jai Krista Convent High School – Bastar, Chattisgarh

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Founded in 1995, Jai Krista Convent High School is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 3330167. Address of the school is: Pahurbal P.o Bakawand Block. PIN Code: 494222. Email address of the school is nishavarkey12@gmail.com. The school is being managed by Bastar Samagra Vikas Samiti (savisa).

NameJai Krista Convent High School
Affiliate ID3330167
AddressPahurbal P.o Bakawand Block
PIN Code494222
STD Code7867
Office Phone201013
Foundation Year1995
Principal/Head of InstitutionNisha Varkey
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeBastar Samagra Vikas Samiti (savisa)
State: Chattisgarh


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