Hindi Higher Sec. School – West Tripura, Tripura

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Founded in 1985, Hindi Higher Sec. School is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 2020005. Address of the school is: Abhoy Nagar, Kunjan Agartala, Tripura. PIN Code: 799005. The school is being managed by Govt Of Sikkim.

NameHindi Higher Sec. School
Affiliate ID2020005
AddressAbhoy Nagar, Kunjan Agartala, Tripura
PIN Code799005
Foundation Year1985
Principal/Head of Institution-
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeGovt Of Sikkim


State: Tripura


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One Comment on “Hindi Higher Sec. School – West Tripura, Tripura”


is this a school or a institution of narcotic substance…teachers are there only meant for giving marks by consuming charas ganja…the guy who get comp. in class 11 he is now the topper of hhss Mr.ANEESH BAIDYA cause he is the nephew of Mr.Swapan Majumder who is a teacher of this school…not only this teachers like Rafik Ul Islam,Sankar Banik,Dipankar Das & BK Singh they will give good marks to u if got tution from them irrespective of they were good or bad….don’t cross ur limit coz remember u have childrens & they also read in schools…it’s a open threat to u…I’ll surely complain to the authority & also the administration about this…GET READY U BLOODY IDIOTS….

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