Hillwoods Academy – East Delhi, Delhi

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Founded in 1985, Hillwoods Academy is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 2730234. Address of the school is: G Block Preet Vihar Delhi. PIN Code: 110092. Email address of the school is srivastavarita@yahoo.co.in. The school is being managed by Rotnand Balved Education Foundation.

NameHillwoods Academy
Affiliate ID2730234
AddressG Block Preet Vihar Delhi
PIN Code110092
STD Code11
Office Phone22524856, 22423310
Residence Phone22041017
Foundation Year1985
Principal/Head of InstitutionRita Srivastava
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeRotnand Balved Education Foundation


State: Delhi


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One Comment on “Hillwoods Academy – East Delhi, Delhi”

Kamal Anand says:

Dear Sir/Madam
This is to request you that my younger son is studding in KG standard in our school and my elder son is studding in 8 standards in other delhi school. I want to admission my elder son in hillwood acamedy 9 standard this year. Please contact and inform me if there is a seat availability in 9 standard for my elder son so that both childern studding in same school.
Thanks & Regards
Kamal Anand

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