Hanumant High School – Bhavnagar, Gujarat

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Founded in 2012, Hanumant High School is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 430219. Address of the school is: Talgarjarda, Mahauva, Ganpati Temple Mahuva Bhavnagar Bypass National Highway. PIN Code: 364290. Email address of the school is principal@hanumantrbk.org. The school is being managed by Babubhai Kanakia Fjoundation.

NameHanumant High School
Affiliate ID430219
AddressTalgarjarda, Mahauva, Ganpati Temple Mahuva Bhavnagar Bypass National Highway
PIN Code364290
STD Code284
Office Phone4294160
Foundation Year2012
Principal/Head of InstitutionMr.ralph Le Blonde
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeBabubhai Kanakia Fjoundation


State: Gujarat


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