Halwasiya Vidya Vihar Sr Sec School – Bhiwani, Haryana

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Founded in 1962, Halwasiya Vidya Vihar Sr Sec School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 530025. Address of the school is: Rohtak Gate Bhiwani Haryana. PIN Code: 125021. Email address of the school is halwasiyaschool@yahoo.com. The school is being managed by Jan Kalyan Trust Calcutta.

NameHalwasiya Vidya Vihar Sr Sec School
Affiliate ID530025
AddressRohtak Gate Bhiwani Haryana
PIN Code125021
STD Code1664
Office Phone252162
Residence Phone9896176185
Foundation Year1962
Principal/Head of InstitutionMr.vimlesh Arya
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeJan Kalyan Trust Calcutta
State: Haryana


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