Gurjar Kanya Vidhya Mandir – Haryana

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Founded in 1985, Gurjar Kanya Vidhya Mandir is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 531408. Address of the school is: Vill Devdhar, Po Devdhartehsil Chhachhraulidistt. Yamuna Nagar. PIN Code: 135021. Email address of the school is The school is being managed by Kanya Vidya Pracharni Sabha.

NameGurjar Kanya Vidhya Mandir
Affiliate ID531408
AddressVill Devdhar, Po Devdhartehsil Chhachhraulidistt. Yamuna Nagar
PIN Code135021
STD Code1735
Office Phone283011
Residence Phone7450307
Foundation Year1985
Principal/Head of InstitutionMs. Poonam Dhande
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeKanya Vidya Pracharni Sabha


State: Haryana


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