Govt Sec School – Arunachal Pradesh

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Founded in 1987, Govt Sec School is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 2220071. Address of the school is: Muri Mugli Dt- Upper Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh. PIN Code: 791122. The school is being managed by Government.

NameGovt Sec School
Affiliate ID2220071
AddressMuri Mugli Dt- Upper Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh
PIN Code791122
Foundation Year1987
Principal/Head of InstitutionD N Kakoty
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeGovernment


State: Arunachal Pradesh


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One Comment on “Govt Sec School – Arunachal Pradesh”

Broadban Net Facility says:

The Govt. Sec. Sch. is located 35 Km distance from district headquater Daporijo.The Sch. location area is in rural category. The net system is very poor, So request for provide of broad ban net facility at Sch. or send massage all the Sch. related matters to the uploaded phone no. of Sch. Your kind consideration will highly solicited Yours sincerely H/M Govt. Sec. Sch. Murimugli

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