Govt Model Senior Secondary School Buria Ynr – Haryana

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Founded in 1954, Govt Model Senior Secondary School Buria Ynr is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 520078. Address of the school is: Gmsss School Buria Ynr Vpo Buria Distt Yamuna Nagar. PIN Code: 135101. Email address of the school is GMSSSSBURIA275@GMAIL.COM. The school is being managed by Haryana Govt.

NameGovt Model Senior Secondary School Buria Ynr
Affiliate ID520078
AddressGmsss School Buria Ynr Vpo Buria Distt Yamuna Nagar
PIN Code135101
Office Phone01732240571
Foundation Year1954
Principal/Head of InstitutionMr. Mohammad Saleem
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeHaryana Govt
State: Haryana


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