Govt. Co-Ed. Sarvodaya Vidyalaya is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 2756192. Address of the school is: Sect-17, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078. Email address of the school is
Name | Govt. Co-Ed. Sarvodaya Vidyalaya |
Affiliate ID | 2756192 |
Address | Sect-17, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078 |
STD Code | 1482 |
Office Phone | 00000000 | | |
School Status | Senior Secondary |
Location: New Delhi
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- Govt Co Education Sarvodaya Vidyalaya – South West Delhi, Delhi
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- Vaid Pt K.R. Govt Sarvodaya Bal Vidyalaya – North West Delhi, Delhi
- Govt. Co-Ed. Sarvodaya Vidyalaya – Delhi
- Govt. Co-Ed. Sarvodaya Vidyalaya – Delhi
- Govt Co-Ed Sarvodaya Vidyalaya – Delhi
- Govt Sarvodaya Vidyalaya – Delhi