Geeta Bal Bharati Sr Sec School – East Delhi, Delhi

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Founded in 1978, Geeta Bal Bharati Sr Sec School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 2730078. Address of the school is: Shankar Nagar Near Rajgarh Colony, Distt East Delhi, Delhi. PIN Code: 110031. Email address of the school is SAVITAKHURANA_GBB@YAHOO.COM. The school is being managed by Hindu Shiksha Samiti Nyasa Regi.

NameGeeta Bal Bharati Sr Sec School
Affiliate ID2730078
AddressShankar Nagar Near Rajgarh Colony, Distt East Delhi, Delhi
PIN Code110031
STD Code11
Office Phone22092543, 22216582
Residence Phone22426107
Foundation Year1978
Principal/Head of InstitutionSavita Khurana
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeHindu Shiksha Samiti Nyasa Regi
State: Delhi


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