Floweret English Medium School – Kannur, Kerala

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Founded in 2000, Floweret English Medium School is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 930858. Address of the school is: A.k.g.nagar Ulikkal Post, Iritty, Kannur Dist, Kerala. PIN Code: 670705. Email address of the school is femsulikkal@gmail.com. The school is being managed by Floweret Educational And Charitable Trust.

NameFloweret English Medium School
Affiliate ID930858
AddressA.k.g.nagar Ulikkal Post, Iritty, Kannur Dist, Kerala
PIN Code670705
STD Code460
Office Phone2228308
Residence Phone-9460624806
Foundation Year2000
Principal/Head of InstitutionJosy M Joseph
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeFloweret Educational And Charitable Trust
State: Kerala


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