Fatima Convent Public School (Cbse) – Bhavnagar, Gujarat

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Founded in 2009, Fatima Convent Public School (Cbse) is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 430272. Address of the school is: Merubag, Ghogha Road Bhavnagar. PIN Code: 364001. Email address of the school is fatcopub@gmail.com. The school is being managed by Carmelite Sisters Of Charity Society.

NameFatima Convent Public School (Cbse)
Affiliate ID430272
AddressMerubag, Ghogha Road Bhavnagar
PIN Code364001
Office Phone02782563256
Foundation Year2009
Principal/Head of InstitutionMiss Sr Lucy Mhatara
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeCarmelite Sisters Of Charity Society


State: Gujarat


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5 Responses on “Fatima Convent Public School (Cbse) – Bhavnagar, Gujarat”

kabir says:

dear sir.
Fatima convent public school, bhavnagar whith affiliation code 430272 is not complying with the govt rules. Recently the Govt of Gujarat directed all the schools of gujarat irrespective of the board that they have to compulsorily waive 25% of the school fees but they are not implementing the rule falsely citing that they have not received the letter. We asked the District education admininstration of bhavnagar and they told that govt has published the same on website and the schools also have been informed about the same. As per my knowledge you must have given the affiliation on condition that they need to fulfill the rules of board and govt which they aren’t doing. This e-mail id lfmccv@gmail.com is of the previous prinicipal so they wont answer you if you ask any query on this mail id. The phone number of the principal is 9429314736

Mihir Bhatt says:

Very bad school
The principal is very arrogant and has rude behavior

Mihir Bhatt says:

Very bad school
The principal sister mickayla is very arrogant and has rude behavior

Mihir Bhatt says:

Very bad school
The principal sister mickayla is very arrogant and has rude behavior.
Please don’t spoil any children’s career it’s my humble request

Top class arrogant principal says:

Quality of principal
1. Never met within 15 minutes
2. Never met in once
3. Never replied email
4. Always followed own rule

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