Emrs Kansabel – Chattisgarh

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Emrs Kansabel is a Middle Class, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 3320464. Address of the school is: Block- Kansabel, Distt.-jashpur. PIN Code: 496223. Email address of the school is emrsddhd@gmail.com. The school is being managed by Jila Stariya Adim Jati Kalyan Awasiya Tatha Ashram Shaikshnik Sansthan Samiti Jashpur.

NameEmrs Kansabel
Affiliate ID3320464
AddressBlock- Kansabel, Distt.-jashpur
PIN Code496223
Office Phone07763223212
Principal/Head of InstitutionAnjana Tirkey
School StatusMiddle Class
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeJila Stariya Adim Jati Kalyan Awasiya Tatha Ashram Shaikshnik Sansthan Samiti Jashpur


State: Chattisgarh


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