Eklavya Model Residential School Saputara – Gujarat

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Eklavya Model Residential School Saputara is a Middle Class, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 420107. Address of the school is: Near Brc Bhavan, Sunrise Point Road,, Saputara Ta Ahwa Dist Dang. PIN Code: 394720. Email address of the school is emrsnewsaputara@gmail.com. The school is being managed by Palve Shivrambhai M.

NameEklavya Model Residential School Saputara
Affiliate ID420107
AddressNear Brc Bhavan, Sunrise Point Road,, Saputara Ta Ahwa Dist Dang
PIN Code394720
Office Phone02631-237305
Principal/Head of InstitutionPalve Shivrambhai M
School StatusMiddle Class
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteePalve Shivrambhai M


State: Gujarat


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