Eklavya Aadarsh Avasiy Vidyalaya – Madhya Pradesh

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Founded in 2015, Eklavya Aadarsh Avasiy Vidyalaya is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 1020025. Address of the school is: Bansapur, Budhni, Dist. Sehore, Madhya Pradesh. PIN Code: 466445. Email address of the school is budniemrssehore@gmail.com. The school is being managed by Mptribal Welfare Residential And Ashram Educational Institutions Society, Bhopal.

NameEklavya Aadarsh Avasiy Vidyalaya
Affiliate ID1020025
AddressBansapur, Budhni, Dist. Sehore, Madhya Pradesh
PIN Code466445
Office Phone8770166977
Foundation Year2015
Principal/Head of InstitutionMr. Chaitanya Rai
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeMptribal Welfare Residential And Ashram Educational Institutions Society, Bhopal


State: Madhya Pradesh


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