East Coast Railwaey Mixed Higher Sec. School – Khurda, Odisha

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Founded in 2003, East Coast Railwaey Mixed Higher Sec. School is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 1530101. Address of the school is: Khurda Road, Jatni, Khurd, Orissa. PIN Code: 752050. Email address of the school is principal_eastcoastrailwaymhss@yahoo.co.in. The school is being managed by Efson Educational Trust.

NameEast Coast Railwaey Mixed Higher Sec. School
Affiliate ID1530101
AddressKhurda Road, Jatni, Khurd, Orissa
PIN Code752050
STD Code674
Office Phone2372792
Residence Phone9411561205
Foundation Year2003
Principal/Head of InstitutionSukanti Mohanty
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeEfson Educational Trust
State: Odisha


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