Dps Gosain Khera, Jind (Haryana) – Haryana

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Founded in 2016, Dps Gosain Khera, Jind (Haryana) is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 531549. Address of the school is: Village-gosain Khera Post Office- Samlo Kalan, Teh-julana, Distt.-jind, Pin Code- 126114. PIN Code: 126114. Email address of the school is s.karjee17@gmail.com. The school is being managed by Ch. Chajju Ram Lumberdar Memorial Education And Charitable Trust.

NameDps Gosain Khera, Jind (Haryana)
Affiliate ID531549
AddressVillage-gosain Khera Post Office- Samlo Kalan, Teh-julana, Distt.-jind, Pin Code- 126114
PIN Code126114
Office Phone9034733500
Residence Phone9467241240
Foundation Year2016
Principal/Head of InstitutionMr. Soben
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeCh. Chajju Ram Lumberdar Memorial Education And Charitable Trust
State: Haryana


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