Baba Patiram Vidhya Mandir J.H. School – Mathura, Uttar Pradesh

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Founded in 2014, Baba Patiram Vidhya Mandir J.H. School is a Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 2132271. Address of the school is: Baba Patiram Vidhya Mandir J.h. School, Palikhera, Sonkh Road, Mathura. PIN Code: 281004. Email address of the school is The school is being managed by Baba Patiram Education Society.

NameBaba Patiram Vidhya Mandir J.H. School
Affiliate ID2132271
AddressBaba Patiram Vidhya Mandir J.h. School, Palikhera, Sonkh Road, Mathura
PIN Code281004
STD Code91
Office Phone09412704481
Residence Phone33663, 9422806324
Foundation Year2014
Principal/Head of InstitutionVimlesh Rajput
School StatusSecondary School
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeBaba Patiram Education Society
State: Uttar Pradesh


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One Comment on “Baba Patiram Vidhya Mandir J.H. School – Mathura, Uttar Pradesh”

Shashank singhal says:

Admission for 9th class is available now..

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