Anand Swaroop Arya Sarawasti Vidya Mandir – Haridwar, Uttarakhand

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Founded in 1997, Anand Swaroop Arya Sarawasti Vidya Mandir is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 3530107. Address of the school is: Village Asaf Nagar Pergana And Tehsil Roorkee Delhi Road, Roorkee Haridwar Uttarakhand.. PIN Code: 248002. Email address of the school is The school is being managed by Bhartiya Shiksha Smiti P P Up.

NameAnand Swaroop Arya Sarawasti Vidya Mandir
Affiliate ID3530107
AddressVillage Asaf Nagar Pergana And Tehsil Roorkee Delhi Road, Roorkee Haridwar Uttarakhand.
PIN Code248002
STD Code1332
Office Phone9219413122
Residence Phone9837314970
Foundation Year1997
Principal/Head of InstitutionAmardeep Singh
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeBhartiya Shiksha Smiti P P Up
State: Uttarakhand


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