Akal Academy – Jullundur, Punjab

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Founded in 1988, Akal Academy is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 1630344. Address of the school is: Bilga Po Bilga Distt Jalandhar Punjab. PIN Code: 144036. Email address of the school is aabilga@akalacademy.ac.in. The school is being managed by The Kalgidhar Society.

NameAkal Academy
Affiliate ID1630344
AddressBilga Po Bilga Distt Jalandhar Punjab
PIN Code144036
STD Code91
Office Phone9915483594
Residence Phone0484 6520135
Foundation Year1988
Principal/Head of InstitutionHarpreet Kaur Sahni
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeThe Kalgidhar Society


State: Punjab


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