Abdul Salam Rafi Residential School – Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

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Founded in 1996, Abdul Salam Rafi Residential School is a Senior Secondary, affiliated to CBSE. Affiliation ID is 930171. Address of the school is: Netayam, Kanchani, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala. PIN Code: 695013. Email address of the school is arrpublicprincipal@yahoo.co.in. The school is being managed by Muslim Association Edn Trust.

NameAbdul Salam Rafi Residential School
Affiliate ID930171
AddressNetayam, Kanchani, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala
PIN Code695013
STD Code471
Office Phone2362890
Residence Phone2803171
Foundation Year1996
Principal/Head of InstitutionSatheesh Babu S
School StatusSenior Secondary
Managing Trust/Society/CommitteeMuslim Association Edn Trust
State: Kerala


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One Comment on “Abdul Salam Rafi Residential School – Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala”

Balamurugesan says:

Seeking information on cbse school in thiruvanathaluram.what is the fee structure for cbse grade 2 kindly inform me the cost

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